Live Streaming Tickets
Live stream our show right to your device!
Yes, you can buy a ticket to a live streamed show of your choice! Cost is $20 per device. We will be using BoxCast, a high-bandwidth streaming service to deliver a High Definition feed to your device - phone, tablet of computer. It’s the same service St Catherine’s has been using to live stream its Sunday services.
Boxstream's page on how to watch the stream can be found here.
Just click on the day you would like to view below, and you’ll be taken to BoxCast’s website to make the purchase. They will deliver a “ticket” to your email….then and time to start popping the popcorn! NOTE: the ticket will indicate the email is from “Beckett Audio”, who is engineering the live stream.
February 10th at 8pm tickets, click HERE
February 11th at 8pm tickets, click HERE